Some of Optit’s primary achievements have been published in important scientific journals. In addition, we have presented our results at prominent international conferences.
Among the more relevant publications:
- Pozzi M., Thorsen J.E., Gudmundsson O., Marszal-Pomianowska A., Heiselberg P., Schelle Jensen S., De Reus A., De Koning M., Digitalisation in District Heating and Cooling systems. Euroheat & Power, May 2023. link
- Pozzi M., Bettinelli A., Detassis F., Filippini E., Graziani S., Morgione S., Vigo D. District heating network maintenance planning optimization. Energy reports, Vol. 7, Supp. 4, October 2021, Pages 184-192 (special issue of 17th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, Nottingham Trent University, 6–9 September 2021).
Pozzi M., Ferrari L., Morgione S., et al., A comprehensive framework for District Energy systems upgrade. Energy reports, Vol. 7, Supp. 4, October 2021, pp 359-367 (special issue of 17th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling, Nottingham Trent University, 6–9 September 2021)
A comprehensive framework for District Energy systems upgrade
- Bettinelli, A., Cacchiani, V., & Malaguti, E. (2017), A branch-and-bound algorithm for the knapsack problem with conflict graph. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 29(3), pp. 457-473
- A. Bettinelli, V. Cacchiani, T. G. Crainic, D. Vigo, A Branch-and-Cut-and-Price algorithm for the Multi-trip Separate Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows at Customers and Facilities. European Journal of Operational Research 279(3), pp. 824-839, 2019.
- T. Parriani, M. Pozzi, D. Vigo, F. Cruijssen, Creation of Optimal Service Zones for the Delivery of Express Packages. In A View of Operations Research Applications in Italy, vol. 2 of AIRO-Springer Series, pp. 19-28. Springer, Cham 2019.
- A. Bettinelli, A. Santini, D. Vigo, A real-time conflict solution algorithm for the train rescheduling problem. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 106, 237-265, 2017.
- A. Bettinelli, A. Gordini, A. Laghi, T. Parriani, M. Pozzi, D. Vigo, Decision support systems for energy production optimization and network design in district heating applications. In Real-World Decision Support Systems, Integrated Series in Information Systems, vol 37, pp. 71-87. Springer, Cham 2016.
- C. Bordin, A. Gordini, D. Vigo, An optimization approach for district heating strategic network design. European Journal of Operational Research, 252(1), pp. 296-307, 2016.
- Vigo, C. Caremi, A. Gordini, S. Bosso, G. D’Aleo, B. Beleggia. Sprint: Optimization of staff management for desk customer relations services at Hera. Interfaces, 44, pp. 461-479, 2014.
More informative publications:
- M. Pozzi, L. Ferrari, S. Morgione, Systems modernization and efficiency in Europe: the UpgradeDH project. Network Services, November-December 2020, pp. 32-34.
Novembre-Dicembre 2020 – Servizi a Rete
- T. Parriani, D. Vigo, Optimising Waste Flows. Impact, Autumn 2017, pp. 15-18.
- A. Gordini, A. Laghi, T. Parriani, M. Pozzi, D. Vigo, Ottimizzazione degli impianti di produzione di energia termica. Energie & Ambiente Oggi, Settembre 2015, pp. 58-61.
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