Digitalization for optimizing integrated district heating system

Matteo Pozzi to represent DHC+ at IEA’s event: “Digitalization for optimizing integrated district heating system”

On 3rd November Matteo Pozzi will speak as a Vice-Chair of DHC+ during the webinar: “Digitalization for optimizing integrated district heating system”. 

The event is organized by AIT and the Fraunhofer IEE  in the framework of two international cooperation programs: the IEA DHC Annex TS3 “Hybrid Energy Networks” and the IEA DHC Annex TS4 “Digitalisation of District Heating and Cooling“.

This virtual meeting, targeted at district heating network operators, energy suppliers, digitalization solution providers, R&D institutes and universities, policy makers, energy authorities and associations will provide an opportunity to get an insight on:

  • The role of digitalisation within a future CO2 free and integrated energy system
  • To present activities, challenges and solutions from the industry perspective
  • To get an impression of current commercial solutions

It will be a privilege to contribute, presenting the DHC+ perspective on European trends, policies and funding opportunities. 

You may register for the webinar (that will last from 10:00 to 17:00) at this link: CLICK HERE

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