Our CEO, Matteo Pozzi, was interviewed by Areti Ntaradimou at the last edition of Enlit Europe for a podcast about PlaMES – Integrated Planning of Multi Energy Systems, a three-year EU project addressing the decarbonization challenge by tackling the complex…
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AGFW, the German association for district heating, promotes a series of online events dedicated to the study of technical topics to its members. The last of these events “Software and tools for district heating applications #09” takes place online on…
Optit presented the PlaMES project at Innogrid, the conference organized by ENTSO-E and E-DSO that brought together the main players in the management of electricity grids at European level. The conference focused on three macro themes: Value of the electricity…
It would be nice if the projections of CMIP6 (the model used to predict climate change effects) were wrong but, thanks also to our experience with models and data, we recognize that the margin of error is very thin. The…
After several months of development and the participation at international events, PlaMES partners meet for the periodic consortium meeting and to meet the advisory board members On October 19 and 20, one year after the kick off meeting, PlaMES consortium…
Three days, from June 24th to June 26th, of discussions about policies, regulatory framework and solution for future energy infrastructures. The EU objective towards 2050 is to have a carbon neutral economy. This can be accomplished by investing heavily on…
The TANDEM EU Project ( Acronym for: Small Modular ReacTor for a European sAfe aNd Decarbonised Energy Mix)Â aims to develop methodologies and tools to facilitate the safe and efficient integration of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) into smart low-carbon hybrid…
Like last years we participated and were proud supporters of ODS2022, the International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science, organized by AIRO, the Italian Association of Operations Research with the fundamental contribution of AIROYOUNG which gathers the young energies of…