Optit presented the PlaMES project at Innogrid, the conference organized by ENTSO-E and E-DSO that brought together the main players in the management of electricity grids at European level.
The conference focused on three macro themes: Value of the electricity grid, Value of consumers and the importance of flexibility. Each session was attended by institutional representatives, industry leaders and technical experts.
The various panels focused on the already very complex issues of decarbonization, to which was added the challenge of energy scarcity deriving from the geopolitical situation. One of the issues that emerged in relation to the greater use of renewable energies is that of the need to change the supply/demand paradigm. In order to adapt to the fluctuations of renewable production, the market will have to be prepared to reverse the current logic. Demand will increasingly have to follow the production and availability of energy and not vice versa as is currently the case with a system based on fossil fuel generation plants.
In this context, the PlaMES proposal, a tool with high technical sophistication and low implementation difficulty for the design of multi-energy networks, was extremely current and focused.